Super Jasper

He has fire in his soul and grace in his heart. He always win, he barely lose.

Every time I am sad and confused, I send him random emoticons at 12AM, 1AM or even 3AM. He would immediately respond . After several exchanges of messages, I felt the compassion. I fell asleep. For me, that’s his one of the many powers. He is better than any relaxant available in the market. His potency to make people happy is 100%.

When God showered the Earth with positivism and energy, I will bet that he acquired it all. His aura is something Earth’s available dictionary can’t define. It is a heaven-bestowed gift that only he can conjure.

If you are unhappy, displeased, and about to surrender— I beg you to hold your horses. Meet Jasper. He will uplift your spirit. He will electrocute you with the barest energy of life. He will add meaning to your existence; he will make you strong using your own faculties.

When he starts to smile and to dance, you will surely see the rotation of Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. He has the ability to send you outside this unfair world and in return, he will create a perfect, ideal world for you.

When I first met him two years ago year, I knew that he is special. I expected great things from him  The dedication oozing from his skin was palpable–real and inspirational. His mere presence makes things and events more positive and lively.

Stronger than any force of evil–he stands tall and confident.

For the record, he is one of my favorites not because he is white, tall, can speak eloquently, smart and energetic but because he is the living Synecdoche of hope and light that our world needs today. Jasper seeks to defibrillate hearts that are already callous and sclerotic, to empower hands that are already timid and weak, and to rewire frozen neurons and synapses because of despair and tribulations.

Jasper won’t hurt you.

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